
Thursday 21 December 2023


 ANSWER KEY PDF                                                                                                                                     ANSWER KEY WORD

Half Yearly Exam 23

Answer key

Standard X


1.       Daintily - gently

2.       Over wrought – upset(LOYOLA PAGE 291)

3.       Gesture - signal


4.       Slammed x opened

5.       Anticipated x unexpected

6.       exhausted x refilled

7.       heroes

8.       transform

9.       Non-Governmental Organisation

10.   Burn off

11.   housekeeping

12.    at

13.    Were playing

14.    In case


Section -I

15.   The seagull’s mother had a piece of fish. She was coming near to him. So he uttered a joyful scream.

16.    It collected and updated meteorological data for weather forecast, monitored marine pollution.

17.   The electric wheel chair and AAC with head switches help David to move from one place to other.

18.   Watson felt horrified when he heard of Holmes illness.

Section -II

19.   A) To stay away from complaining street.

b) Not to enter the complaining street.

20.   a) We refer to machines.

b) By cutting, filing, assembling and gauging.

                21. a) Human body is found beneath all uniforms.

                       b) The earth we walk up on is the same for every one of us.

                22. a) No one knows what is happening inside the house. So it is a mysterious place.

                       b) It is unknown.



                23.A colourful hat had been bought by Malini for her daughter.

                24. The mother advised the child not to play with fire.

                25. “The general is a woman?” yelled the soldiers.

                26. Inspite of his weakness, he walks quickly.

                27. a) They will publish the results.

                       b) Pollution is a major issue in India.



Part -III

Section -2

                34. i) alliterated words: happy-heart

                       ii) Rhyming words; fear-cheer, whole-toll

                      iii Rhyming scheme: abba

                      IV. Personification (3rd line), Contrast (4th line)


Section – 3

                37. Coherent order.

                a) Zigzag was a great trouble in the clinic.

                b) Dr.Krishnan took him to the clinic.

                c) Dr.Krishnan was surprised of the sudden change in Zigzag.

                d) Gone was Zigzag’s bored and grumpy expression.

                e) He took care of the orderliness in the clinic.

                38. Reading comprehension

            1. He started his journey to the mountain at the evening.

            2. He carried some quantity of unwhitened rice and gourd full of sweat water for his mother.

            3. The road was long and steep: the narrow road was crossed and recrossed by many paths.

            4. The hunters and woodcutters made many paths on the narrow road.

            5. The name of the mountain was Obatsuyamo.


Section -4


                44. Spot the error

                a) He doesn’t have a music system.         

                b) Neither Ram nor his friends know the answer.              

                c) What is the time by your watch?

                d) Every students likes the teacher.

                e) The sun rises in the east.        




46. a) Jane was born on 16th December 1775.

       b) Southbampton was one of the places she lived.

       c) At the age of 12 she started writing.

       d) She died on 18th of July 1817.

48. a) Freedom is the right to do anything that pleases you.

       B) The rich man cheats the poor people.

       c) The robbers rob the innocent do.

       d) The right of a cat is eating and drinking.








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