
Sunday 17 December 2023

std 8, Half yearly exam answer key



Half Yearly Exam 23

Answer key

Standard VIII


1.       Whisper - murmur

2.       Possessed - controlled

3.       Exhausted - tired


4.       latest x outdated

5.       mastered x unskilled

6.       usually x rarely


7.       a) He will play the role in the second play.

b) The cat caught the scent of a mouse.

8.       National Means Cum Merit Scholarship

9.       rainfall

10.   a) Kilo           b) Mic

11.    put up

12.   Listen, will hear

13.   must

14.   data


Section -I

15.  Ajay suffered an injury at the age of three. He was treated, but that treatment left him permanently deaf.

16.   Issac manufactured many curious articles at a young age.

17.  The river banks are thickly surrounded by green trees and plants. From them hung bunches of nests at the riverside, where the birds would have chirped, leaves rustled, and the wind rushed. Now it has been replaced by huge dragon-like mills making a hissing noise and letting out black smoke.

18.  Mobile phones should be used by kids only with adult supervision.

Section -II

19.   A) The child look up into father’s eyes.

b) The child sees the love in his father’s eyes.

20.   a) Gleam means shines brightly.

b) Sufferings and obstacles in life.

                21. a) The poet says that beauty stays forever. It never fades away. Rather, it increases with the passing time.

                       b) Bower means a beautiful shady tree.

                22. a) I refer to the dog.

                       b) The dog wants a shelter.



                23.a) The show will have completed its five hundred episodes next week.

                      b) They were watching Tv when they heard a loud bang at the door.

                24. a) SVA – They danced well.

                       b) SVC – He is a doctor.

                25. a) My friend gave me a gift on my birthday.

                       b) Her shift gets over at 7P.m

                26. a) stronger – comparative degree

                        b) honest – positive degree

                27. Punctuation

                                “I don’t live here”, I said.



Part -III

Section -2

                34. i) Scheme : aabb

                       ii) Rhyming words; that-flat, door-anymore

                      iii FOS: Personification

                      IV.The dog tail is down.


Section – 3

                37. Coherent order.

                a) The hermit listened to the king.

                b) but answered nothing.

                c) He just spat on his hand and recommenced digging.

                d) “Thanks!” said the hermit, and, giving the spade to the king.

                e) He sat down on the ground.

                38. Reading comprehension

            1. The boy was sitting on platform no. 8 at Ambala station.

            2. Th name of the boy was Arun.

            3. The expected time of the trains arrival was at twelve o’clock midnight.

            4. He had been pacing up and down the platform, browsing at the bookstall, or feeding broken biscuits to stray dogs.

            5. No one came with Arun.


Section -4


                44. Spot the error

                a) She seems sad.           

                b) I have been watching TV since morning.           

                c) When I reached the station, the train had already left.

                d) I requested/asked him to speak on several subjects.

                e)Neither Ram nor his friends know the answer.                                -             




46. a) A dog is my new pet.

       b) He is sleepy because he is very little now.

       c) My dad and mom helps me to keep the dog clean.

       d) The dog stays in kennel.

48. a) Nature/Nothing is permanent

       b) Dawn has to give a way to day. So dawn goes down.

       c) Nature’s first green is gold.

       d) Green leaf subsides to golden leaf. Eden can’t hold the youth or beauty. So Eden sank to grief.







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