
Sunday 8 January 2023

Speech on Indian republic day

 Speech on Indian republic day in 500 words

Greetings everyone! Today I am here to talk about Indian Republic Day, which is one of the most important days in the history of India.

The day marks the adoption of the Constitution of India, which came into effect on January 26th, 1950, replacing the Government of India Act 1935. This day is a symbol of India’s movement from a British colonial rule to a free and democratic nation.

The Constitution of India was drafted by a Constituent Assembly, which was formed in December 1946. This Constitution established India as a secular, democratic, and republic nation. It was drafted by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, who is known as the Father of the Indian Constitution.

On January 26th, 1950, the Indian Constitution was adopted by the Constituent Assembly, and it came into effect. This day was declared as the Indian Republic Day.

To commemorate this special day, the Indian government holds a grand military parade every year in the capital city, New Delhi. The parade starts from the Rashtrapati Bhawan, passes through the Rajpath, and ends at the India Gate. The parade includes marching contingents from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and paramilitary forces.

The President of India gives an address to the nation and awards medals to people for their outstanding achievements in various fields. The Prime Minister of India lays a wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyoti at India Gate in memory of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the nation.

The celebrations of Indian Republic Day are not limited to the national capital. Every state and union territory celebrates this day in its own way. Processions, cultural events, and competitions are organized in schools and colleges.

In conclusion, Indian Republic Day is a special day for every Indian citizen. It is a day to remember our freedom fighters, who fought for our rights and freedom. Let us be proud of our great nation, and remember that our democracy is the biggest strength of India.

Speech on Indian republic day in 300 simple words

Indian Republic Day is a day of celebration, joy and pride. Every year on the 26th of January, the country celebrates the day to commemorate the enactment of the Indian Constitution. This day is a reminder of the struggle of our nation’s leaders to attain freedom from British rule and create a democracy in India.

This day marks the importance of the Constitution of India, which was adopted on the 26th of January, 1950. It is the foundation of our country’s democracy, giving each citizen the right to freedom, justice and equality.

Indian Republic Day is also a time to celebrate the many cultural and ethnic diversity of the country. India is known for its vibrant culture, which is celebrated in countless festivals throughout the year. On Republic Day, people from all walks of life come together to honor the country’s culture and heritage.

The celebration of Republic Day includes parades, flag hoisting ceremonies, patriotic song and dance performances, and many other activities. People from all over the country come together to celebrate this day with joy and pride.

The celebration of Republic Day is a reminder of the hard-fought battle for freedom and democracy in India. It is a day to be proud of our nation’s strength and resilience, and to remember the struggles of our past. It is also a day to celebrate its diversity and unity, and to be thankful for the opportunities it provides us.

Speech on Indian republic day in 250 words

Happy Republic Day! Today marks the 71st anniversary of India's declaration of independence and the adoption of its Constitution. On this day, we express our gratitude to the Founding Fathers of India for their vision and courage in creating a country that is united and strong.

India's rich history and culture have been celebrated in the form of festivals and events since ancient times. But, the adoption of the Indian Constitution on 26 January 1950, marked a new era of freedom and justice for all. The Republic Day of India is an occasion to remember and honor the spirit of the Indian Constitution and the values of freedom, equality, justice, and fraternity that it embodies.

The Constitution of India recognizes every person's right to freedom of thought and expression, and prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion, race, caste, gender, and language. This document is a source of pride for every Indian and serves as a reminder of the progress made since independence.

The Republic Day also celebrates India's cultural diversity. India is a country of many languages, religions, and customs, and these unique characteristics are celebrated through colorful parades and performances.

On this day, let us all come together to honor the brave men and women who fought for India's independence, and those who continue to fight for justice and equality. Let's also take a moment to remember the spirit of the Indian Constitution and reaffirm our commitment to upholding its values.

Happy Republic Day!

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