
Monday 23 January 2023


Question paper

 Thoothukudi District



1. Signaling

2. Widely opened

3. Blessings


4. Calm

5. Unhappy

6. Tolerant

7. Oxen

8. Redistribute

9. International Monetary Fund

10. Look down on

11. Man-made

12. around

13. Finished

14. Though

Part II

Section I

15. The sight of the food made the young seagull go mad.

16. The crew started their voyage on 10 September 2017 from Goa. They returned to Goa on 21 May 2018. It took 254 days to complete the expedition.

17. Giving chance to expose their talents appreciating, motivating, taking and sharing with the disabled persons. I would introduce the latest modern technology to them.

18. Mrs. Hudson was the landlady of Holmes. She was worried of Holmes illness.

Section II

19 a)The poet wants everyone to learn not to grumble.

b) We should smile and take life as it comes.

20 a) The woman is described as lioness.

b) A prankster is a person who acts mischievously.

21. a) He couldn't find any piece even a piece of crumb.

b) It was a winter season.

22 a) A tree is found near the house.

b) The tree never grows leaves, because it is a mysterious tree or no one waters it.

Section III

23. A pen was purchased by me and it shall be used by me for the examination.

24. Sharon Bertina requested the teacher to permit her to go to home later.

25. Radhika said to her friend Meena , "I need your help".

26. Having changed his dress, he went out to play.

27. a) They will publish the results.

b) My jewels are in my safe.


35. a) Alliterated words: happy -heart

b) Rhyming words : fear -cheer , whole -toll

c) Rhyming Scheme : abba

d) Metaphor

Section III

37. Coherent order

a) Lakshmi had switched on the fan.

b) Half pecked fruit streamed off the fan.

c) One slice of papaya came whizzing off the fan.

d) It splattered all over Mrs.Krishnan's painting.

e) Mrs. Krishnan looked ready to shoot zigzag.

38. Reading Comprehension

a) Mother's voice was full of unselfish love.

b) The mother advised the son to follow the path which holds the piles of twigs.

c) Mother's kindness broke down the heart of the son.

d) The son said to his mother he would not leave her. 

e) Yes, I love my mother because she sacrificed lot for me.

Section IV

a) As we were late we apologised.

b) Many people behave rudely now a days.

c) If he had money , he would help you.

d) Where can I find a bank?

e) She loves her father.

Part IV

47. a) The Vatican is the smallest country.

b) Vatican occupies 109 acres in the Italian capital Rome.

c) Sr Peter's Basilica is the largest Christian Church. It is in the heart of the Vatican.

d) One can see Chapels, library and museums in the palace.


a) The best scrub grows by the side of the rill.

b) A bit of grass makes a highway traveller happy.

c) No,size does not a matter. We have to try to be the best in our own field.

d) The underlying theme of the poem is 'Be the best of whatever we are'.

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