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...... Dear +2 students ...Dear +1 students..அனைவரும் நன்கு தேர்வு எழுதி சிறப்பான மதிப்பெண் பெற்று வாழ்வில் சிறப்படைய வாழ்த்துகள்..LAST DATE TO APPLY FOR NEET exam 07.03.2025 ..

Wednesday, 11 January 2023

Story of The Proud Rose


  • Story of The Proud Rose

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful rosebush that grew in a garden. The rosebush was very proud of its beauty and was often admired by the other plants in the garden. Every day, the rosebush would stretch its stems and leaves to the sky, showing off its beauty to the world.

One day, a strong wind blew through the garden and knocked down the rosebush. All of the other plants in the garden laughed and made fun of the rosebush, calling it weak and pitiful. The rosebush felt embarrassed and ashamed.

The next day, the rosebush determined to show everyone that it was still strong and beautiful. Instead of stretching its stems and leaves up to the sky, it dug its roots deep into the soil and encouraged its stems and leaves to grow back strong.

The rosebush soon had a strong, beautiful stem and leaves once again. All of the other plants in the garden were impressed. They praised the rosebush for its strength and determination and the rosebush was proud once again.

From then on, the rosebush was always the most admired plant in the garden. No matter how strong the winds blew, the rosebush would never be knocked down again.

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