
Tuesday 18 April 2023

Std 8 Thoothukudi District Annual exam English answer key

PDF link given at the end of this page.


Standard VIII

Part I


  1. Ignorant -  unaware

  2. Unique – uncommon

  3. exhausted – tired


  1. angrily x calmly

  2. weakened x strengthen

  3. stored x deleted


  1. The old man is very weak.

  2. C ) WHO – World Health Organisation

  3. genii

  4. airport

  5. rewrite

  6. A small dining table lies between the two pillars.

  7. My father will leave for Mumbai Tomorrow.

  8. If you help me, I will be grateful to you.

Part II

  1. Ramayya’s wife spent the rest of her life in fear of getting caught.

  2. Ajay was gifted with painting skill.

  3. Issac Newton was born on 25th Dec 1642, a small village of Woolsthrobe in England.

  4. A first aid kit is a must in every household.


19 (a) The child feels that it was lucky.

     (b) Father and son.

20. (a) ‘My’ refers to the poet, Arunachalam Chandrasekaran.

      (b) The hobby helps him to develop his thoughts.

21. (a) The joy that a thing of beauty gives us is eternal. It never loses its importance.

      (b) A bower refers to a peaceful, quiet place under the shade of trees.

22. (a) The dog licked the hand of the grand mistress.

      (b) The dog is sitting behind the couch.


23. (i) SVC

      (II) SVIODO

24. Ponraj told Kalai Selvan that he was very happy.

25. (i) doesn’t she?

      (ii) are you?

26. “Oh! For this I get two thousand pounds”.

27. (a)  Simple sentence

      (b)  Compound sentence

PART III Section -II

35. (a) Alliterated words in 2nd  line : before - begin

      (b) Rhyming words : in-begin , that - flat

     c) Rhyme scheme : aabb

     (d) Figure of speech in first line : repetition


37.(a) Before Helen Keller was two years old, she lost her sight and her hearing.

     (b) Miss Sullivan arrived at the Keller home when Helen was seven.

     (c) Miss.Sullivan worked closely with Helen, her new student.

     (d) At times the teacher became frustrated. 

      (e) Be eventually Miss.Sullivan effort was rewarded.

38. (a) Edward James Corbett was the birth name of Jim Corbett.

             (b) Robin was the name of Corbett’s dog.

            (c ) Jim Corbett played a key role in establishing, India’s first national park in the Kumaon Hills.

           (d) Jim Corbett died on 19 April 1955.

           (e ) The park renamed as The Jim Corbett National park in 1957.

Section IV

  44. i) Kala is the tallest girl in the class.

        ii) He told me a story.

        iii) Ramu is an honest man.

        iv) The deer runs fast.

       v) Rajan went abroad.

Part- IV

47 (a) The Olympics began in Greece.

     (b) Roman’s stopped Olympic Games because they didn’t like them.

     (C ) There were many disabled soldiers in the hospital of Sir Ludwig Guttman. He wanted those soldiers to get better by doing sports. So the games began.

     (d) Sir Ludwig Guttman was a doctor.

(b) (i) Evening / night time is referred to here.

      (ii) The sun is descending in the west.

     (iii) The birds are silent in their nest.

     (iv) The moon is compared to a flower.

Click here to access the Answer Key PDF.

Question paper link


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