
Wednesday 29 November 2023

Std 10 Second Mid term answer key


Thoothukudi District

second Mid Term Exam 2023

Std -10

Answer Key



I) Synonyms

1. Grapple - fight

2. bustle -excitement



3. renowned x unknown

5. blamed x praised

6. syllabi

7. would help





8. Technology impacts the environment, people and the society as a whole. The Internet benefit a common man to travel, communicate, learn do business and live in comfort.

9. Technology enables David to communicate and be independent. SO it is important according to David.

10.M.Hamel told that French was the beautiful language. It was the clearest and the most logical language.


11. a) We refer to the machines.

b) They ask for water, coal, oil and a little place to run.

12. a) Life is common in every land.

b) All can recognise and understand that life is common in every land.

13. a) Their refers to men from different countries.

b) Labour does not different.

14. Krish says that he is enjoying his holiday.





18. a) Alliterated words: we-weave, print-plough

b) Rhyming words: drive-dive, light-write

c) Rhyme scheme: abab

d) personification/ Alliteration


Section – 3 (Supplementary Reader)

19. Coherent order

            a) Holland is a country that lies below sea level.                                                                   b) Great walls called dikes keep the North Sea from flooding the land.                                  c) The people of Holland have worked to keep the walls strong.                                                d) The wanted their country be safe and dry.                                                                              e) Even the little children know the dikes must be watched every moment.                                  20. a) The table was laid.                                                                                                               b) A series of tapes was within the reach of his hand.                                                           c) Phonotelephote had a curved surface.                                                                                d) The dining room of his home in Paris appeared on the phonotelephote.                      e) Mr.Bennet and his wife were arranged to have a lunch at the same time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Part-IV                                                                                                                                               25. a) Evening/Night time is referred here.                                                                                  b) The sun is descending in the west.                                                                                     C) The birds are silent in the nest.                                                                                    d) The moon is compared to a flower.


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