
Wednesday 29 November 2023

Thoothukudi district std 9, Second Mid term answer key

 Std 9 Question paper

Answer key PDF

Std 9

Second Mid Term

Thoothukudi District



I.                    Synonyms

1.       Evidence – proof

2.       Concealed – hidden

II.                 `

3.       Locked x released

4.       Ordered x requested

5.       Could

6.       Figure out – understand

7.       Had left

Part – II

Section - 1

8.       When the box was opened a ship’s cat jumped out and ran back into the docks.

9.       Pongo wanted to bring another policeman to get a witness for the case.

10.   The policeman had seen some carts at the gate. They went and talked to the drivers. So he arrived a little late to the cabin.

11.   During his second time, Clem Jones was carrying a large Dutch cheese in the box.


12.   a) Through a winding stair, the fly can reach the spider’s parlour.

b) The parlour is little and the prettiest.

      13. a) No, the spider didn’t really show its affection to the fly.

            b) The spider invited the fly cunningly.

      14. a) The river is broad and deep.

            b) Time seems to be still, but it is constantly moving.

Part – III

Section – 3

       19. a) Alliterated words: Through-the, flowers- foliage

             b) Rhyming words: way-play, dancing-glancing

            c) Rhyme scheme:  abccb

            d) figure of speech: Simile

Section – 4

     20. a) Peter, the cat was the poor beast.

           b) Tom gave the painkiller to the cat so it behaved in absurd manner.

           c) Aunt Polly felt that she had done cruelty to the boy.

           d) Aunt Polly began to soften.

            e) Yes, Aunt Polly felt sorry for her mistake.

22. a) I am fond of Chocolate.

      b) It has been raining since this morning.

      c) His uncle is an MLA.

      d) Games and sports help in recreation.

      e) He found a one-rupee coin on the road.

25. a) An environment with rich biological diversity is the basis for human existence.

      b) Storm, flood, pests, earth quacks and fire are some natural calamities that disturbs balance in nature.

      c) The equilibrium status of living and non-living factors is an environment is known as balance in nature.

      d) deforestation

b) Poem comprehension

      a) The fire of God’s love burns away the impurities.

      b) Our souls will turn into gold.

      c) God judges our true worth.

      d) God’s eternal care wins over our weakness and gives us hope.





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