
Friday 19 January 2024

Tuti SSLC First revision exam 24

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Note: In pdf please make the change Qn No: 24. Please assemble in the ground.

Question paper

 Part 1


1. Whammed  - struck forcefully 

2. Skippered - act as a captain

3. Bifurcated - divided


4. Beneath x above

5. Tremendous x tiny

6. Unperturbed x disturbed

7. Alumnus - alumni

8. Biotechnology

9. The car broke down.

10. In spite of her poverty he is a disciplined student.

11. Sunset

12. Mulan heard this from her tent.

13. The milkman knocks at the door.

14. Whenever winter comes he gets worried.

Part 2

15. They were flying around him, praising, soaring and diving together with him.

16. The reporter considered the author as if he were a slot machine into which he had dropped a coin without results. So he gazed at the author.

17. They celebrated Diwali during their expedition at sea.

18. Sanyal came to the tea shop regularly. He had tea and biscuits. He never failed to pay.

Section 2 (Poem)

19. A) The poet is moving towards his goal. He wants to achieve his goal patiently.

B) One should not mourn for the things that disappear.

20. A) The poet expects everyone to learn not to grumble.

B) We should smile and take life as it comes.

21. A) Difficult days of life.


22.a) Ant works hard and plan for future. So they neither borrow or lend.

B) The ant says this line to the cricket.

Section 3

23. The student's questions are always answered by the teacher.

24. Please assemble in the ground.

25. “Father, listen please," said Mulan.

26. Work hard and you will get success.

27. A) They were beckoning to him calling shrilly.

B) It was amazed to see how well I understood it.

Part 3

Section 1

35.a) Alliterated words : high - humble

b) rhyming words: song - wrong, humble - grumble

c) Rhyme scheme : aabb

d) Contrast

Section III

37. Coherent order

A) Mulan heard about the surprise attack.

B) She got dressed and went outside.

C) Mulan ordered the soldier to hide so they could attack the enemy king.

D) The war was over and China was saved.

E). No one cared anymore that Mulan was a woman.


1. Mrs. Krishnan gave a horrified expression.

2. Zigzag is a most harmless, unusual and lovable bird.

3. It was bred by an African witch doctor.

4. An African witch doctor gifted Zigzag to Somu.

5. Somu said that the bird was an absolute treasure.                                                                                                                                                               Section IV                                                                    

44. 1. Children prefer coffee to tea.

      2. His sons-in-law have come.

      3. I don't know who she is.

      4. This is the pen which I bought yesterday.

      5. Has anyone attended the function.                                                                                                                                                                       

Part 4


   a) Pollution is an undesirable change in physical, chemical and biological characteristics of our land, air and water caused by excessive accumulation of  pollutants.                                                                      b) Carbon-di-oxide and Sulphur-di-oxide are some pollutants.

  c) The average increase in the temperature of atmosphere is called global warming.

  d) All over the world July 1998 was the hottest month.

 B) 1. The wind stirs through the springing grass.                                                                                             2. Slope means a surface or piece of land that goes up or down.                                                                  3. The river flows like a stream of glass.                                                                                                    4. Freedom                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

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