
Saturday 23 April 2022

Our neighbours - Essay Writing

 Our neighbours

    | love the area in which we live. It is close to the market, to the library and also to my school. But some months back we wondered if we should move out of the area. That was because of the noisy ‘neighbours we had. They moved into the house next to ours three months ago. They kept late hours. Their T.V. was turned on right up to midnight. They did not turn down the volume even if we requested them to. I found it difficult to study.

    Since they also spoke very loudly, it was very disturbing. We had very few hours of sleep, and found it difficult to get up in the mornings. They also had a dog that barked throughout the night.

    They threw all their garbage into our house. When we went round to complain, they refused to open the door. They also raised a couple of hens. This was against the rules of the municipality, which had made it clear that poultry and livestock were not to be reared in residential areas. So last month my father complained to the municipality about them. The municipal authorities fined them, and told them that the hens had to go.
    But this angered them. So they made themselves an even greater nuisance. Finally, one day the owner of the house came to the house next door. He told them that they would have to leave, because they had not paid their rent. So they left with their noisy dog. As they left they hurled - abuses at my father. We were happy that they had left.

    The house has remained locked since their departure. Two days ago, a thief scaled the wall of the empty house, and got into our house. Luckily we noticed him just in time, and raised the alarm. The thief ran away. He would not have come in through the house next to ours, if our noisy neighbours had been there. We now wish that they would come back. Having noisy neighbours is better than not having any neighbours at all. If you Know where they are, will you please ask them to come back?

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