
Tuesday 10 January 2023

Story of woodcutter and angel

 Story of woodcutter and angel

Once upon a time, there was a woodcutter who lived in a small village near a lush forest. He was a kind-hearted and hardworking man who provided for his family by cutting wood in the forest.

One day, he was in the forest, cutting wood, when he heard a voice. He looked around and saw an angel standing in front of him. The angel told him that if he completed a very difficult task, he would be rewarded with great riches. The woodcutter was both scared and excited. He thought about it for a moment, and then agreed to take on the task.

The angel gave the woodcutter three pieces of wood and told him to fashion them into a bridge. The woodcutter worked hard and was able to create a beautiful and strong bridge. The angel was so impressed that he granted the woodcutter his wish of riches.

The woodcutter was overjoyed and thanked the angel. He returned to his village with a newfound wealth and used it to build a better life for himself and his family. From that day forward, the woodcutter was known as the Woodcutter and the Angel, and his story was told and retold throughout the village.

story of Woodcutter's axe and angel

Once upon a time, a woodcutter was walking through the forest when he stumbled upon an old, rusty axe. He thought to himself, “This could come in handy.” He picked up the axe and continued his walk.

Suddenly, an angel appeared in front of him. The angel said, “You may have found that axe, but it is not yours to keep. You must return it to its rightful owner.”

The woodcutter was confused, so he asked the angel where he could find the owner. The angel replied, “The axe belongs to a man who lives in a village deep in the woods. If you use this axe to help the people of the village, you will be rewarded.”

The woodcutter was skeptical, but decided to take the angel’s advice. He headed to the village and found that the people were in terrible need. He used the axe to chop wood for them, and soon their situation improved.

The woodcutter was grateful for the angel’s guidance and with the help of the axe, he was able to bring hope to the villagers. He thanked the angel and returned the axe to its rightful owner.

The woodcutter learned that when we are kind and generous, the rewards are much greater than we can think or imagine.

Story of an Angel offered gold axe to a woodcutter

Once upon a time, there was a woodcutter who lived in a small village. He was a hardworking man, but his axe had become old and worn out. He had no way to afford a new one, so he was resigned to continue cutting wood with his old axe.

One day, while he was in the woods, he heard a mysterious voice. He looked around, but saw nothing. Suddenly, an angel appeared in a brilliant light and offered the woodcutter a beautiful golden axe. The angel said to him, "This axe is a gift from Heaven, and it will help you with your work. Take it and use it with honor."

The woodcutter was speechless! He thanked the angel and accepted the golden axe. From that day onward, the woodcutter was able to work more quickly and efficiently, and his life improved. He continued to use the golden axe with honor and respect, and it served him faithfully for many years.

The woodcutter never forgot the angel's kindness and generosity. He kept the golden axe for the rest of his life, and it became a symbol of his appreciation for the angel's gift.

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