
Tuesday 10 January 2023

Story of a farmer and a duck which laid golden eggs

 Story of a farmer and a duck which laid golden eggs

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who owned a small farm. He had a few chickens and one duck which laid golden eggs. Every day, the duck would lay one egg, and the farmer was very pleased with the abundance of gold that he was receiving.

One day, the farmer became greedy and decided to take all of the duck's eggs at once. He opened up the duck's nest and gathered up all of the eggs, but when he did, he noticed that there were no more eggs inside.

The farmer was very angry and he scolded the duck for not giving him any more eggs. The duck replied, "I can only lay one egg each day, sir. Taking all of my eggs at once will not make me lay any more than that."

The farmer realized his mistake and apologized to the duck, promising to never be so greedy again. From then on, the farmer was content with the one egg each day, and learned to appreciate the abundance that he had been given.

story of a farmer and a duck

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who lived on a large farm. One day, while tending to his crops, he noticed a small duck waddling around the farm. The farmer took a liking to the duck and decided to let it stay. Over time, the duck and the farmer became close friends. The duck would help the farmer with his chores and the farmer would give the duck a special place to sleep in his barn.

The farmer's neighbors were amazed by the friendship they shared and the duck soon became famous. Each day, the farmer and his duck would take long walks around the farm, and the duck would help the farmer with his daily chores.

One day, the farmer decided to take the duck to the town market. Everyone in the market was amazed to see the duck helping the farmer. The farmer then noticed a small pond in the market and decided to let the duck swim in it. The duck happily swam around the pond and the farmer enjoyed watching it.

The farmer and his duck soon became the talk of the town and the neighboring farms. Everyone admired their friendship and the duck was given the name, "Lucky Duck".

The farmer and Lucky Duck lived happily ever after and continued to work together on the farm each day.

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