
Wednesday 8 February 2023

Summary of old man and the sea story in 500 words


The Old Man and the Sea is a short novel by Ernest Hemingway, first published in 1952. The story follows an old Cuban fisherman, Santiago, and his three-day battle with a giant marlin. Despite his efforts, the fish is eventually lost to sharks. Despite his loss, Santiago is proud of his accomplishment and is seen as a hero by the local villagers.

The story opens with Santiago having gone 84 days without catching a fish. As he sets out on his small skiff, Santiago has faith in his abilities, but he is also aware that his luck has been bad for a long time. He catches a small fish and is encouraged, but his luck soon changes when he hooks a giant marlin. The battle begins and Santiago struggles to bring the fish to the surface. After an exhausting battle, Santiago manages to bring the marlin close to his boat, but the fish is soon attacked by sharks. As Santiago watches, the sharks consume the marlin, leaving only the skeleton.

Santiago returns to his village, his boat filled with the marlin's skeleton. Although Santiago has not caught any fish, the villagers view his efforts as heroic. They admire his perseverance in the face of adversity, and his skill in catching such a large fish. Santiago is proud of himself and enjoys the respect of the villagers.

The story ends with Santiago going out to sea again, with no expectation of catching a fish, but with faith that his luck will eventually change. The story is an inspiring tale of an old man's courage and determination, and his ability to overcome adversity. Despite his loss, Santiago remains proud of his accomplishment and is seen as a hero by the local villagers.

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